A Tangled Web: Inside Macau Studio City’s struggles (Macau Business, January 2010)
Junket Controls: Singapore wants casinos to do it themselves on VIPs (Macau Business, January 2010)
Clown and Out? High-wire talks try to save Cirque du Soleil in Macau (Macau Business, January 2010)
Shooting for Success: Seven Luck plays Korean pop culture card (Macau Business, January 2010)
Don’t Blame China, US for Nopenhagen (Asia Times, January 7, 2010)
Asia Uncut Fulfills Expatriate Dream (Asia Times, January 16, 2010)
Ask Not How Obama Changed Washington (Asia Times, January 20, 2010)
Time to Restore Corporate Sanity (The Guardian, January 29, 2010)
Singapore Lets the Dice Roll (Asia Times, February 12, 2010)
Overextended Banker Collapses – Review of Stephen Roach on the Next Asia: Opportunities and Challenges for a New Globalization by Stephen S Roach (Asia Times, February 20, 2010)
Lion Dice: Expert Odds on Singapore Casino Success (Macau Business, March 2010)
Off the Table: Singapore Integrated Resorts’ Non-gaming Prospects (Macau Business, March 2010)
Hospital Pioneer Expands Through Crisis (Asia Times, March 2, 2010)
Palm Oil Tested on Sustainability (Asia Times, March 4, 2010)
MGM Puts its Chips on Macau Casino (Asia Times, March 20, 2010)
Google Blunders in Search for China Success (Asia Times, March 25, 2010)
Journey to Good Health (Jakarta Post Weekender, March 26, 2010)
US Reforms May Boost Medical Tourism (Asia Times, March 30, 2010)
A Search for Personal, Political Roots – Review of Wishart’s Questby Peter Corris (Asia Times, April 2, 2010)
Wynn Makes Encore Bets on China (Asia Times, April 26, 2010)
No Bling, No Buzz in Singapore (Asia Times, May 1, 2010)
Only in Singapore: Interview with Marina Bay Sands CEO Thomas Arasi (Macau Business, May 2010)
Big Bay, Big Future: Marina Bay Sands Opening (Macau Business, May 2010)
Macau’s Ho Bubbles Ahead with Oceanus (Asia Times, May 14, 2010)
Mad About Bernie Madoff – Review of No One Would Listen: A True Financial Thriller by Harry Markopolos (Asia Times, May 15, 2010)
Macau Strip Storms Back (Asia Times, May 20, 2010)
Southeast Asia for Dummies – Review of The Next Front: Southeast Asia and the Road to Global Peace with Islamby Senator Christopher S Bond and Lewis M Simons (Asia Times, May 29, 2010)
Tale of Two Casinos: Resorts World Sentosa vs Marina Bay Sands (Macau Business, June 2010)
Hard Luck Casino: Rocky Start of Resorts World Sentosa (Macau Business, June 2010)
Long March to Open China’s Airspace (Asia Times, June 5, 2010)
Asia Business Jets Ready for Takeoff (Asia Times, June 15, 2010)
Macau Chief Chui Talks the Talk (Asia Times, June 26, 2010)
Singapore Wins, For Now (Asia Times, July 1, 2010)
Taxiing for Takeoff: Private Aviation Climbs in Macau (Macau Business, July 2010)
RGB Fights Back: Malaysian Firm Launches Manny PacMan Slot (Macau Business, July 2010)
Singapore’s Top Dissident Keeps Talking (Asia Times, July 7, 2010)
Macau Resort Gambles on Heritage (Asia Times, July 9, 2010)
Macau Still Shopping for Retail Sell (Asia Times, July 13, 2010)
George Steinbrenner: Baseball’s Biggest Loser (The Guardian, July 15, 2010)
Visa Curbs Haunt Macau (Asia Times, August 3, 2010)
Eat, Pray, Love Fever Sweeps Bali (Asia Times, August 18, 2010)
Macau’s Melco Dances to Old Tune (Asia Times, September 16, 2010)
China Takes Another Swing at Baseball (Asia Times, September 30, 2010)
Birds of a Feather – Review of Asia Alone: The Dangerous Post-Crisis Divide from Americaby Simon SC Tay (Asia Times, October 1, 2010)
Playing the Game: Genting takes Singapore early lead (Macau Business, October 2010)
Banned Novelist “Astonished” Over Tiananmen (Asia Times, October 8. 2010)
Macau Jobs Rules Don’t Work (Asia Times, October 19, 2010)
Terrorism Reform School in Indonesia (Asia Times, October 20, 2010)
Twenty reasons Barack Obama stinks (Finalist for 3Quark Daily Prize in Politics for 2010, October 29, 2010)
The Indochina Frontier: There’s money to be made in Cambodia’s border casinos (Macau Business, November 2010)
Cynicism Dishonors JFK’s Vision (Asia Times, November 5, 2010)
China’s Tennis Ace Plays East-West Split (Asia Times, November 9, 2010)
Singapore Casinos an Uncertain Bet (Asia Times, November 19, 2010)
Industry Reborn: Sri Lanka casinos get legal (Macau Business, December 2010)
Odds Move Against Sands (Asia Times, December 9, 2010)
Keeping Climate Change Efforts from Going Up in Smoke (Buzzflash, December 12, 2010)
Thailand Tourism Picks Up (Asia Times, December 21, 2010)
Singapore Swing: Lion City gets ready to roar (Macau Business, January 2009)
Downturn Raises Odds at Singapore Casinos (Asia Times, January 15, 2009)
Holy War is Not the Answer (The Guardian, January 15, 2009)
Yes, He Did (Asia Times, January 17, 2009)
Buying What They’re Selling – Review of India’s Store Wars: Retail Revolution and the Battle for the Next 500 Million Shoppers by Geoff Hiscock (Asia Times, March 14, 2009)
Capitalism with Chinese Characteristics – Review of Made in China: Secrets of China’s Dynamic Entrepreneurs by Winter Nie & Katherine Xin with Lily Zhang (Asia Times, April 18, 2009)
Still Dreaming Big in Macau (Asia Times, June 4, 2009)
Bad Times Good for Macau Mogul Ho (Asia Times, June 18, 2009)
Macau’s Election a Sure Bet (Asia Times, June 25, 2009)
Macau Progress Leaves Out Politics (Asia Times, July 3, 2009)
What’s the Deal? Winning and losers in Macau’s poker wars (Macau Business, July 2009)
Outplaying Your Partner – Review of Poorly Made in China: An Insider’s Account of the Tactics Behind China’s Production Gameby Paul Midler (Asia Times, July 18, 2009)
Macau Chief Ho Goes Out with a Whimper (Asia Times, July 28, 2009)
US Casino Bosses Vary Macau Bet (Asia Times, August 14, 2009)
Ted Kennedy: A Lamb, Not a Lion (The Guardian, August 29, 2009; for an earlier version, see Kennedy: Liberal Lamb of the Senate (Asia Times, August 29, 2009)
Missing the Bus (Macau Business, September 2009)
Himalayan Heights of Disingenuousness – Review of The Anti-Globalization Breakfast Club: Manifesto for a Peaceful Revolution by Laurence J Brahm, (Asia Times, September 5, 2009)
UN Treaty Melts into Climate Sideshow (Asia Times, September 12, 2009)
The Rosh-Ramadan Roadmap for Peace (The Guardian, September 20, 2009)
Climate Change’s Cold Reality (The Guardian, September 21, 2009)
In a Haze, Indonesia Slows Deforestation (Asia Times, September 26, 2009)
Trees of Profit (Asia Times, September 26, 2009)
Named and Shamed – Review of Bailout Nation, with New Post-Crisis Update: How Greed and Easy Money Corrupted Wall Street and Shook the World Economy by Barry Ritholtz with Aaron Task, (Asia Times, October 3, 2009)
Bali Escapes Tide of Recession (Asia Times, October 16, 2009)
Tennis Diplomacy on the Table in Bali (Asia Times, November 7, 2009)
Slumdog Author Does Q&A (Asia Times, December 1, 2009)
Singapore’s Big Gamble Begins (Asia Times, December 18, 2009)
Ten Years After, the Macau They Wished For (Asia Times, December 19, 2009)
Macau Adds Up Gambling Debts (Asia Times, January 31, 2008)
McCain: Straight to His Blind Spot (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, January 31, 2008)
Super Sunday Spills into Super Tuesday (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, February 5, 2008)
Macau Loses as Asia’s Las Vegas (Asia Times, February 13, 2008)
Two Clean Sweeps But No Clear Winners (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, February 14, 2008)
The Indonesian Candidate (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, February 19, 2008)
Ding-Dong, the Witch is… No, Wait… (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, February 27, 2008)
Mud Flies, Clinton Wins (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, March 6, 2008)
McCain’s Supremely Cynical VP Option (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, March 12, 2008)
Checklists for the Next Big Vote (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, March 19, 2008)
Black and White and Barely Read At All (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, March 26, 2008)
Should She Stay Or Should She Go? (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, April 1, 2008)
Questioning to Win in Iraq (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, April 9, 2008)
Still Taken In by “What It Takes” (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, April 16, 2008)
No Friends of the Earth (Asia Times, April 22, 2008)
Clinton Chalks Up Key Meaningless Win (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, April 24, 2008)
Doubting Obama (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, April 29, 2008)
Democrats Do Have a Nominee (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, May 5, 2008)
Deathwatching Clinton in Her Backyard (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, May 15, 2008)
Money Issue Needs a Champion (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, May 21, 2008)
Bush “Plans Iran Air Strike by August” (Asia Times, May 28, 2008)
Who’ll Stop the Reign? (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, June 2, 2008)
No Place to Hyde Park (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, June 9, 2008)
Married to the Mob (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, June 19, 2008)
California Dreaming for John McCain (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, June 24, 2008)
Storm Before the Boom: Special Report on Atlantic City (Macau Business, July 2008)
The Hope of Audacity (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, July 1, 2008)
Running Away from Themselves (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, July 8, 2008)
Thank you, Senator Helms (Los Angeles Times, July 9, 2008; longer version published in Asia Times, July 12)
With Friends Like These… (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, July 15, 2008)
Barack Obama’s Excellent Adventure (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, July 22, 2008)
America’s Muslim Problem (The Guardian, July 24, 2008)
If McCain Were a Democrat… (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, July 29, 2008)
Atlantic City: The Next Wave (Macau Business, August 2008)
Your Gaming Losses at Work (Macau Business, August 2008)
Playing the Rove Card (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, August 5, 2008)
Going for the Gold in Beijing – Literally (The Guardian, August 5, 2008)
Olympics Mark China’s Second Coming (Asia Times, August 7, 2008)
Why the Chinese (Heart) the Olympics (The Guardian, August 11, 2008)
The Story of O (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, August 12, 2008)
Jawboning the Chinese Elephant (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, August 19, 2008)
Georgia on China’s Mind (The Guardian, August 20, 2008)
Democrats Need Unconventional Wisdom (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, August 26, 2008)
Macau Becomes a Not So Sure Bet (Asia Times, September 3, 2008)
False Notes for the Grand Old Party (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, September 3, 2008)
How to Speak Republican (The Guardian, September 3, 2008)
McCain Stars in ‘Back to the Future 08’ (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, September 9, 2008)
Seven Years On, Three Big 9/11 Lies (Asia Times, September 11, 2008)
Seven Years On, 9/11 Loses Traction (The Guardian, September 11, 2008)
Electoral Serve and Volley in Bali (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, September 16, 2008)
Liar, Liar, McCain’s on Fire (The Guardian, Septem
ber 19, 2008)
“It’s the Economy, McCain!” (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, September 23, 2008)
Power to the Shareholders (The Guardian, September 25, 2008)
The Wrong Vice (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, September 30, 2008)
The Ho Chi Minh Trail Leads to Baghdad (The Guardian, October 1, 2008)
Yes We Can, Seriously (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, October 7, 2008)
McCain’s Next Trick Can Win (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, October 15, 2008)
Alaskan Gothic (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, October 21, 2008)
After Bombs, Bali Booms (Asia Times, October 22, 2008)
Spread the Wealth (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, October 28, 2008)
Ballots in Paradise (The Guardian, October 30, 2008)
Vote for Than Shwe (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, November 4, 2008)
McCain: Yes, He Could’ve (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, November 6, 2008)
Let the Disappointment Begin (Asia Times, Campaign Outsider, November 8, 2008)
Singapore, Sands Stand by Their Bets (Asia Times, November 13, 2008)
Political Whores Go Biblical – Review of Diary of a Jetsetting Call Girl by Tracy Quan (Asia Times, November 22, 2008)
The Island that Time Forgot (Jakarta Post Weekender, November 23, 2008)
Slow Boat to Orangutans (Jakarta Post Weekender, November 23, 2008)
Climate Change Matters; Does the UN? (Asia Times, December 3, 2008)
Captain Bush’s Great White Whale (Asia Times, December 10, 2008)
No Friends of the Earth (The Guardian, December 11, 2008)
Medical Travel Catches Cold (Asia Times, December 24, 2008)
China Cracks Down on Rioters! News at 11 (Asia Times, March 22, 2007)
Malaysia Puts Out the Unwelcome Mat (Asia Times, April 3, 2007)
In 1997, We Knew the Big News in Advance (Asia Times, June 30, 2007)
US-China Yuan Debate Needs New Currency (Asia Times, July 26, 2007)
Look Alikes: a monologue for two characters, a prequel to Hong Kong On Air (Asia Literary Review, Autumn 2007, Vol 5)
Lonely Planet Blog from Ubud Writers & Readers Festival, September 24-30, 2007
Cultural Exchange in Bali (September 24, 2007)
Full Moon at Ubud’s Royal Palace (September 26, 2007)
Mixing Work and Pleasure in Bali (September 30, 2007)
State of Tart: Famed Macau egg pastry’s uncertain parentage (Macau Business, December 2007)
Mass Appeal: Macau casinos fight for small bettors (Macau Business, December 2007)
Singapore’s Big Gamble (Macau Business, April 2006)
Bay Watching: Singapore Special Report, Part 2 (Macau Business, May 2006)
Check In, Check Up: Medical Tourism Takes Off in Thailand (Macau Business, July 2006)
Second Bite: Singapore casino losers consider sticking around (Macau Business, July 2006)
Unmatched Ambition: Melco tries its hand in Singapore (Macau Business, November 2006)
Return to Paradise: Redemption for tennis star Angelique Widjaja and Bali (SporTView, December 2006)